Sunday, April 13, 2008


Soooo...I added the google ad thing just as an experiment to see if I would actually get any money from it. I figure...if I don't get money, then who cares? but if I do get money, then yay! I got money! right? so intelligent, I know. Please click on the ads!

I cannot believe that it is three weeks left until summer. I still have a lot to do in school...including reading a book about Imperialism for History.

I figured that I would spend my summer working at the animal clinic again, but I'm having second thoughts now. I was looking at the Baton Rouge Zoo website and also the BREC website and thinking about working at either the zoo or in summer camps with kids in Baton Rouge. I am going to call tomorrow to find out information regarding jobs. I'm really excited, actually.

Sephora opened up right next to the Apple Store at the Mall of Louisiana. I already spent half of my paycheck there and signed up to be a "Beauty Insider." Good thing the Mall of Louisiana isn't that close to LSU's campus. Otherwise I'd be in real trouble.

I like to think everything is kind of winding down, but it's more like everything is speeding up in that final push before summer. three more weeks! have a good one,