Sunday, April 13, 2008


I also made my archives into a drop-down menu thanks to help from this website.


Soooo...I added the google ad thing just as an experiment to see if I would actually get any money from it. I figure...if I don't get money, then who cares? but if I do get money, then yay! I got money! right? so intelligent, I know. Please click on the ads!

I cannot believe that it is three weeks left until summer. I still have a lot to do in school...including reading a book about Imperialism for History.

I figured that I would spend my summer working at the animal clinic again, but I'm having second thoughts now. I was looking at the Baton Rouge Zoo website and also the BREC website and thinking about working at either the zoo or in summer camps with kids in Baton Rouge. I am going to call tomorrow to find out information regarding jobs. I'm really excited, actually.

Sephora opened up right next to the Apple Store at the Mall of Louisiana. I already spent half of my paycheck there and signed up to be a "Beauty Insider." Good thing the Mall of Louisiana isn't that close to LSU's campus. Otherwise I'd be in real trouble.

I like to think everything is kind of winding down, but it's more like everything is speeding up in that final push before summer. three more weeks! have a good one,

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

what's new?

Hi, Happy April Fool's Day! Not much to update about...

LSU Women's Basketball team made their Fifth Straight Final Four, which is insanely awesome and I continue to be very proud of my school.

Here's a really interesting article about our economy.

Meet Gibson, the world's tallest dog...awesome.

Pretty cool...the pay-what-you-want restaurant.

So yeah...I took a ridiculously difficult Developmental Psyc test today. Hopefully the grade isn't bad...I was pleasantly surprised about the first test. Scheduled on Sunday for next semester...the spring poultry judging contest begins tomorrow at LSU and the Spring Testers are also coming for the rest of the week...which is always cute.

Anyway, hope you have a good day,