Friday, May 30, 2008


Hey!! So how are your summers going??

Let's begin with the job situation. I found a couple of jobs...I am just waiting for them to begin. I am working at Arts Camp (the one at S.J...that pretty much everybody went to..I went for 3 years) as an assistant. I don't know what subject that I am assisting with, but I put down that I wanted to work with kids in grades K-2 and my preferential subjects were: 1) Ceramics, 2) Photography, and 3) Mosaic. Not that I know anything about Mosaic. I thought it sounded interesting...

Anyway, I am also working at my uncle's veterinary clinic again this summer. I didn't think that I would be doing that because I thought all of the jobs were taken, but then he offered me to begin next week. so I start tuesday.

I am making a cake tomorrow for the Great American Bake Sale. I got a star-shaped cake pan and things like that...will post a picture of it when I'm done. whoo.

Going to see Sex and the City with Robin tomorrow. I'm enjoying all of these good movies coming out this summer.

Kelli, when are you coming home from...Oregon, right? not stalking you on xanga or anything...heh...

Anyway. Have a good weekend!! Talk to you later,

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

(sort of) friday 5

I got a friday5 set of questions from here and decided to fill out the answers. Even though it's Tuesday. Oh well. tuesday5 it is, then.
  1. What's your favourite TV network? Food Network
  2. If you could create your own channel, what would it be? A combination of Food Network Shows [Ace of Cakes, Good Eats, Food Network Challenge, Iron Chef, etc] and shows about Broadway. Also, late at night, my network would change (kind of like nickelodeon changing to nick-at-nite) to show good older shows like: I Love Lucy, The Brady Bunch, The Cosby Show, Roseanne, Full House, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, etc. Pretty much like Nick-at-Nite minus the crappy shows that they show constantly. I like movies, but I'd try to shy away from them because I hate it when you miss the beginning and can't watch the rest of the movie when you missed the first 15 minutes. Oh, and I'd also have random marathons of Hey Arnold! and Doug. ooooh, and Dirty Jobs, Mythbusters, The Office, Project Runway, Top Chef, and Flight of the Conchords. My tv channel would be combining good shows from other networks, I guess.
  3. What TV show did you watch as a child, that you wish they would bring back? Hey Arnold and Doug...and Muppet Babies. yeeeeah!
  4. What show have you always hated, and wonder why they ever made such a dumb show? ...people will hate me for this, but Ren and Stimpy. I always hated that one and could never understand how people could watch that crap.
  5. What TV show's seasons would you buy on DVD? let's see...I already own several seasons of: Degrassi: the Next Generation, The [British] Office, House, Sex and the City, Scrubs, and Flight of the Conchords. Really want networks to make DVD sets of Doug and Hey Arnold (I know, I'm obsessed. I really miss those shows and want to watch them again!!) Also want to buy the sets of the (American) Office.
That's it!! see you later,

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Finals are almost finished!!!! Yes!!

Anyway, I added Twitter, so you can see more...frequent [okay, and shorter, but so what] updates at

If you have twitter, please let me know so that we can add each other and stalk way more efficiently.

so I still haven't figured out what I'm doing for the summer...but I'll be in Lake Charles from Friday to probably Monday and then I'm coming back here. I'll probably end up driving back to Lake Charles at the end of next week and then I'll actually figure out what I'm doing for the summer. For now, though...I'm being lazy. which is nice.

Lots of good movies coming out...summer movies you want to see? mine are...[in no particular order other than the order that they come to mind]
1) The Dark Knight
2) Iron Man
3) Speed Racer
4) Mamma Mia!
5) Chronicles of Narnia- Prince Caspian
6) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
7) Sex and the City: The Movie
8) Kind of want to see Baby Mama...did anybody see it? thoughts?

I can't think of anything else now...any other movies that look interesting? Anyway, hope that your ends of semester/beginnings of summer are great!!